Contributors guide

Contributions are welcome! Before you submit a pull requests, please read the following guide to make sure your changes are ready to be merged into the code base.

Version control

Quick start guide

We use Git as our version control system, you should have the following in mind when working on TableD:

  1. We use a rebase workflow in order have to clean Git history. To update your local branch to the latest source tree, execute the following in your terminal:

    // Set tommyip/tabled remote (FIRST TIME ONLY)
    $ git remote add upstream
    $ git pull --rebase upstream master
  2. To have your pull requests merged as quickly as possible, please resolve all merge conflict and make sure your changes passed the test suite before submitting them.

Using Git & Github in tableD


Commits should have a short title clearly stating the purpose of the changes. You should also prepend the title with one of the following section headings to make future maintance easier:

  • code: New feature
  • refactor: Code refactoring
  • docs: Documentation
  • deps: Dependency
  • setup: Project setup

Each commit should have a single purpose. Commits with modification to multiple areas of the codebase are not encouraged and will not be merged. If in doubt, just have a look at our Git history.


You can invoke the test suite with make test in the root directory. The following would be executed in the process:

  1. pytest - Unit testing framework
  2. mypy - Static type checking
  3. flake8 - Source code linter

A coverage report would also be produced by pytest. We have a 100% test coverage and we would like to maintain that; when you make changes to the source code, please check if modifying or adding new tests are necessary.